This is the complete list of members for webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor, including all inherited members.
AcceptOrDismissAlert(bool accept, Error **error) | webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
ActiveElement(ElementId *element, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
CanHandleUrl(const std::string &url, bool *can, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
ClearElement(const ElementId &element, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
ClearStorage(StorageType type, Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
ClickElement(const ElementId &element, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
Close(Error **error) | webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
create2PointTouchEvent(QEvent::Type eventType, Qt::TouchPointStates touchPointStates, QPointF &point1, QPointF &point2) | webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor | protected |
createSimpleTouchEvent(QEvent::Type eventType, Qt::TouchPointStates touchPointStates, QPointF point) | webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor | protected |
createTouchEvent(QEvent::Type eventType, Qt::TouchPointStates touchPointStates, const QList< QTouchEvent::TouchPoint > &touchPoints) | webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor | protected |
createTouchPoint(Qt::TouchPointState state, QPointF &point) | webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor | protected |
createTouchPointWithId(Qt::TouchPointState state, QPointF &point, int id) | webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor | protected |
DeleteCookie(const std::string &url, const std::string &cookie_name, Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
ElementEquals(const ElementId &element1, const ElementId &element2, bool *is_equal, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
ElementSubmit(const ElementId &element, Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
ExecuteAsyncScript(const std::string &script, const base::ListValue *const args, base::Value **value, Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
ExecuteScript(const std::string &script, const base::ListValue *const args, base::Value **value, Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
FindElement(const ElementId &root_element, const std::string &locator, const std::string &query, ElementId *element, Error **error) | webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
FindElements(const ElementId &root_element, const std::string &locator, const std::string &query, std::vector< ElementId > *elements, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
FindNativeElementsByXpath(QWidget *parent, const std::string &query, std::vector< ElementId > *elements, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | protected |
GetAlertMessage(std::string *text, Error **error) | webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GetAppCacheStatus(int *status, Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GetAttribute(const ElementId &element, const std::string &key, base::Value **value, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GetBounds(Rect *bounds, Error **error) | webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GetBrowserLog(base::ListValue **browserLog, Error **error) | webdriver::ViewCmdExecutor | inlinevirtual |
GetCookies(const std::string &url, base::ListValue **cookies, Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
getElement(const ElementId &element, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | protected |
GetElementCssProperty(const ElementId &element, const std::string &property, base::Value **value, Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GetElementLocation(const ElementId &element, Point *location, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GetElementLocationInView(const ElementId &element, Point *location, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GetElementScreenShot(const ElementId &element, std::string *png, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GetElementSize(const ElementId &element, Size *size, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GetElementTagName(const ElementId &element, std::string *tag_name, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GetElementText(const ElementId &element, std::string *element_text, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GetGeoLocation(base::DictionaryValue **geolocation, Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GetMute(const ElementId &element, bool *, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GetOrientation(std::string *orientation, Error **error) | webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GetPlaybackSpeed(const ElementId &element, double *, Error **) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GetPlayerState(const ElementId &element, PlayerState *, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GetPlayerVolume(const ElementId &element, double *, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GetPlayingPosition(const ElementId &element, double *, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GetScreenShot(std::string *png, Error **error) | webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GetSource(std::string *source, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GetStorageItem(StorageType type, const std::string &key, std::string *value, Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GetStorageKeys(StorageType type, base::ListValue **keys, Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GetStorageSize(StorageType type, int *size, Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GetTitle(std::string *title, Error **error) | webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GetURL(std::string *url, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
getView(const ViewId &viewId, Error **error) | webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor | protected |
getWidget(const ElementId &element, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | protected |
GetWindowName(std::string *name, Error **error) | webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GoBack(Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
GoForward(Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
IsElementDisplayed(const ElementId &element, bool ignore_opacity, bool *is_displayed, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
IsElementEnabled(const ElementId &element, bool *is_enabled, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
IsOnline(bool *, Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
IsOptionElementSelected(const ElementId &element, bool *is_selected, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
MatchNativeElement(const QObject *item, const std::string &locator, const std::string &query) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | protected |
Maximize(Error **error) | webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
MouseButtonDown(Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
MouseButtonUp(Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
MouseClick(MouseButton button, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
MouseDoubleClick(Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
MouseMove(const int x_offset, const int y_offset, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
MouseMove(const ElementId &element, int x_offset, const int y_offset, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
MouseMove(const ElementId &element, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
MouseWheel(const int delta, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
NavigateToURL(const std::string &url, bool sync, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
QViewCmdExecutor(Session *session, ViewId viewId) | webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor | explicit |
QWidgetViewCmdExecutor(Session *session, ViewId viewId) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | explicit |
Reload(Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
RemoveStorageItem(StorageType type, const std::string &key, std::string *value, Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
saveScreenshot(QPixmap &pixmap, std::string *png, Error **error) | webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor | protected |
SendKeys(const ElementId &element, const string16 &keys, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor::SendKeys(const string16 &keys, Error **error) | webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
session_ | webdriver::ViewCmdExecutor | protected |
SetAlertPromptText(const std::string &alert_prompt_text, Error **error) | webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
SetBounds(const Rect &bounds, Error **error) | webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
SetCookie(const std::string &url, base::DictionaryValue *cookie_dict, Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
SetGeoLocation(const base::DictionaryValue *geolocation, Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
SetMute(const ElementId &element, bool, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
SetOnline(bool, Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
SetOptionElementSelected(const ElementId &element, bool selected, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
SetOrientation(const std::string &orientation, Error **error) | webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
SetPlaybackSpeed(const ElementId &element, double, Error **) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
SetPlayerState(const ElementId &element, PlayerState, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
SetPlayerVolume(const ElementId &element, double, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
SetPlayingPosition(const ElementId &element, double, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
SetStorageItem(StorageType type, const std::string &key, const std::string &value, Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
SwitchTo(Error **error) | webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
SwitchToFrameWithElement(const ElementId &element, Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
SwitchToFrameWithIndex(int index, Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
SwitchToFrameWithNameOrId(const std::string &name_or_id, Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
SwitchToTopFrame(Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
SwitchToTopFrameIfCurrentFrameInvalid(Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
TouchClick(const ElementId &element, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
touchDevice | webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor | protected |
TouchDoubleClick(const ElementId &element, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
TouchDown(const int &x, const int &y, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
TouchFlick(const int &xSpeed, const int &ySpeed, Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
TouchFlick(const ElementId &element, const int &xoffset, const int &yoffset, const int &speed, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
TouchLongClick(const ElementId &element, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
TouchMove(const int &x, const int &y, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
TouchPinchRotate(const ElementId &element, const int &angle, Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
TouchPinchZoom(const ElementId &element, const double &scale, Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
TouchScroll(const int &xoffset, const int &yoffset, Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
TouchScroll(const ElementId &element, const int &xoffset, const int &yoffset, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
TouchUp(const int &x, const int &y, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
view_id_ | webdriver::ViewCmdExecutor | protected |
ViewCmdExecutor(Session *session, ViewId viewId) | webdriver::ViewCmdExecutor | explicit |
VisualizerShowPoint(Error **error) NOT_SUPPORTED_IMPL | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
VisualizerSource(std::string *source, Error **error) | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
~QViewCmdExecutor() | webdriver::QViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
~QWidgetViewCmdExecutor() | webdriver::QWidgetViewCmdExecutor | virtual |
~ViewCmdExecutor() | webdriver::ViewCmdExecutor | virtual |